Patrick Fallon is looking for a Lead Photographer in Otago

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Patrick Fallon is looking for a Lead Photographer in Otago

16 Jul 2022
Lead Photographer
Apologies in advance because (a) the shoot is today and (b) it's not a wedding. I appreciate this platform is for weddings and I am chiefly a wedding photographer but this shoot is Event Photography at Jacks Point and as I tested positive and the event starts this afternoon at 5pm I am rather desperate! Event is 3 hours of coverage at Jacks Point, near Queenstown. I have put budget is negotiable because if you are willing and able to shoot it but the price doesn't work for you, I still think the Event Manager will consider their options. Shoot starts at 5pm today, finishes at 8pm, I was planning to meet my contact on the ground on-site at 430 to get a brief. They have listed a few key shots but it's all pretty standard stuff. If anyone can help me and the event organisers out I will owe you one and would be very happy to return the favour if ever needed. Cheers, Patrick
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Emily Stupples (Emily Stupples Photography )

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